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Lowest Price Guarantee

We guarantee the lowest price on all 300,000+ experiences available to book on our site. If you find the same product cheaper online up until 48 hours after your trip starts we'll refund the difference.

It's Easy To Do
Gather your information

Provide your Viator Booking Number or Itinerary Reference Number and the proof of the lower price you found.

Send it to us

Email with the documents, your name, and your home address.

We'll review

We'll review your materials and get in touch as soon as we can.

Receive your refund

If everything checks out, we'll refund you the difference between the two prices.

Refund Terms & Conditions

The following conditions apply to all Lowest Price Guarantee refund requests:

  • Viator's Lowest Price Guarantee is available to any customer who makes a qualifying purchase through the and Viator mobile web sites. Qualifying purchase must include a minimum purchase of US$20 (or equivalent). Please note that show, concert, and event tickets are not covered by Viator's Lowest Price Guarantee.

  • Viator's Lowest Price Guarantee covers retail and prepaid rates available to the general public. This does not include discounts or promotions you may receive (or be eligible for) from third-party sites or from organizations such as AAA or AARP, or special offers made as part of a membership program, corporate discount, daily deal, group or rewards program. Viator promotions cannot be combined with the Lowest Price Guarantee

  • If you find a lower retail or prepaid rate for the same tour or activity, offered on the same date and priced in the same currency as your original purchase,on any other website between the time you book on Viator and 48 hours after your trip starts, we will refund the difference.

  • Viator reserves the right to verify details of the lower price where possible. All refund decisions will be made at the sole discretion of Viator.