Xizhou Town
Xizhou Town

Xizhou Town

Free admission
Xizhou, Yunnan, 671004

The basics

Tours to Xizhou generally highlight the Bai ethnic minority, whose culture has been preserved through the centuries. Visitors can check out traditional Bai architecture, which hasn’t been re-touched like in nearby Dali. Exploring the daily market is a must, as is trying the local baba bread and partaking in a traditional 3-course tea ceremony. Visitors to Xizhou can also spend time in the slow pace of the village countryside and on the banks of Erhai Lake.

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Things to know before you go

  • Practice your numbers in Mandarin to join in the fun of bartering at the local market.

  • Bring cash to the local market since you won’t find mobile credit card machines here.

  • Brush up on your Chinese dynastic periods before you go since the rich layers of history in much of China, and especially in Xizhou, will make more sense to you and have more meaning.

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How to get there

There are several ways to get to Xizhou, and most travelers arrive from Dali Old Town. If you feel confident with your Mandarin, hop on a local bus or minibus for an adventure, which will be pretty cheap. Taxis or chartered buses are easy to book, and neither will set you back too much.

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When to get there

Spring and fall are the best times to visit Xizhou and experience the mildest temperatures. The Bai also have holidays in the spring, which are fun to participate in. Summer can be warm, but it is still an excellent time to visit. Winter is bitterly chilly, making touring the architecture and countryside less appealing.

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Dali Ancient Town

Many tours combine a visit to Xizhou with a trip to Dali Ancient Town, which is great for comparison. Travelers can see the difference in Bai architecture and notice how it has been spruced up in Dali but remains authentic in Xizhou. Many towns in China have become hotspots for local and foreign tourists, some more polished than others. Feel the differences between Xizhou and Dali’s atmospheres.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Xizhou Town?
Attractions near Xizhou Town: