New Hampshire State House
New Hampshire State House

New Hampshire State House

Free admission
107 N. Main St., Concord, New Hampshire, 03301

The basics

Visit the New Hampshire State Capitol on a self-guided tour during its opening hours. You can tour the legislative chambers when the legislature is not in session or watch a session from an observation gallery when they are. Docent-led tours are also available, subject to docent availability and advanced reservation. You can explore the grounds surrounding the building at any time. Combine a visit to the State Capitol with a self-guided walking tour of historic downtown Concord or as part of a scavenger hunt around the town.

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Things to know before you go

  • It’s free to access the New Hampshire State House.

  • A Visitor Center, Welcome Center, tour office, and gift shop are on-site.

  • You need to arrange guided tours for groups of 10 in advance.

  • There is limited air conditioning available inside the building.

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How to get there

The New Hampshire State House is at 107 Main Street in downtown Concord, New Hampshire. It's near the intersection of I-93 and NH-9, so there’s plenty of paid street parking nearby. All three Concord Area Transit bus lines stop at the State House and Eagle Square stops. The building is also within walking distance of most downtown Concord attractions.

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When to get there

The New Hampshire State House is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4pm. Self-guided tours can be undertaken at any time the building is open. Docent-led tours are subject to availability of the docents and are typically held between 8:15am and 3:15 pm. Guided tours typically last around one hour. Special events and meetings can affect the availability of the building and the legislative or executive chambers.

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What to see in the State House

Besides the legislative and executive chambers, you can explore the Hall of Flag—which houses flags used in different battles and moon rocks from New Hampshire-born astronaut Alan Shepard— and the Hall of Governors on the second floor. There are statues throughout the grounds of veterans and prominent New Hampshire figures, including President Franklin Pierce, (the only president from New Hampshire), General John Stark, Commodore George Perkins, and Daniel Webster.

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