Fuji Safari Park
Fuji Safari Park

Fuji Safari Park

Open daily 9am-5pm
2255-27 Fujiwara Aza Suyama, Susono, Shizuoka, 410-1231

The basics

You can travel around the park by foot, in your private car, or (for an additional fee) make use of a Safari Bus, designed to look like the park’s resident animals and kitted with wire-netted windows, which allow you to safely view animals from very close proximity—guests are even permitted to feed the animals through the windows. There are also 4WD sport utility vehicles equipped with a navigation system, which you can rent for a self-guided tour.

As well as the safari zone, the park houses a regular zoo where you can see animals like kangaroos, red pandas, and leopards roaming around. There are also activities such as pony rides on offer, as well as cat, dog, and rabbit houses and a guinea pig area where visitors can spend time playing with the animals.

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Things to know before you go

*Visitors need a Japanese drivers’ license or an International Driving Permit (IDP) to rent a vehicle. *Tax-free shopping is available for visitors to Japan in the gift shop: Remember to bring your passport. *Free Wi-Fi is available in the park. *A variety of food is available at restaurants, cafés, and take-out stalls within the park. *Visitors with disabilities are admitted at half-price.

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How to get there

The park is located on the southern slopes of Mount Fuji. From Tokyo, it’s around a two-hour drive. You can take a local “Fujikyu” bus from the Gotemba Station: the journey takes around 35 minutes. From Mishima Station, the Fujikyu bus takes around 50 minutes. Alternatively, rental cars are available around most major railway stations in the area, including Mishima and Gotemba.

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When to get there

Fuji Safari Park is open every day, all year round. Opening hours are typically from morning to late afternoon, with slightly reduced hours from November through March. Note that, in the event of adverse weather conditions, some areas may close at short notice.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Fuji Safari Park?