Drayton Manor
Drayton Manor

Drayton Manor

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Drayton Manor Drive, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3TW

The basics

While you can buy tickets at the door, you can often save money by prebooking admission online. Regular tickets include access to most rides and attractions, though some experiences, such as crazy gol,f cost extra. In addition to rides, the park also has indoor and outdoor play areas, penny slot machines, and live shows. Upgrade to take part in special activities such as playing zookeeper for a day or up-close encounters with zoo animals. For visitors who want to stay overnight, the park has an on-site hotel, which includes Thomas and Friends-themed rooms.

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Things to know before you go

*The on-site restaurants are busiest between 12 and 2pm; bring a picnic or go outside these hours to beat the rush. *Find shops, ATMs, and a wheelchair and stroller rental station at the park. *The site itself is wheelchair-accessible, though many of the rides have stepped access only; a detailed access guide can be found at the park’s website. *Height restrictions apply for some rides.

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How to get there

Drayton Manor Park is situated in Staffordshire near Tamworth, about a 2.5-hour drive from London. The nearest train station is in Tamworth, about 3 miles (4.8 kilometers away). Taxis can usually be found outside the station. Alternatively, ride the 110 Arriva bus from Birmingham or Tamworth to Fazeley, just a short walk from the entrance.

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When to get there

Drayton Manor Park is busiest on weekends and during school vacations. To avoid longer lines and bigger crowds, go midweek during term-time.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Drayton Manor?