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Polo Experiences in Buenos Aires

Polo Experiences in Buenos Aires

Argentina is hailed as the home of polo, the world's oldest team sport. Introduced by English settlers in the 19th century, today it's one of the nation's most popular games. Here's how to experience this national pastime while in Buenos Aires.

Polo Lessons

To polish up your taco (polo mallet) skills, opt for a polo experience at a polo club or on an estancia, where you can become a player for the day. Learn how to play polo on the field, participate in expert-led training lessons, and get a chance to see professional polo players in action. Even if you've never ridden a horse before, you can enjoy a match and lesson on a day trip from Buenos Aires.

Polo Match Viewing

Polo is a huge part of Argentina's culture, thanks in part to the national team winning numerous world championships and creating some of the sport's top players. Argentina hosts three of the world's most important polo tournaments—the Argentine Open, the Hurlingham Open, and the Tortugas Open—and watching a live polo game here is an unbeatable experience for visitors to Buenos Aires. It's also possible to watch a match in the Argentinean countryside on a full-day tour.