Imizamo Yethu Township
Imizamo Yethu Township

Imizamo Yethu Township

Cape Town, 7806

The basics

It’s best to join a guided tour that can help bring money into the community rather than simply show up to the settlement without contributing. A ticket with a hop-on hop-off bus includes a free tour of Imizamo Yethu, which departs from the bus stop. Some locals also offer walking tours and cycling tours.

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Things to know before you go

  • When evaluating a tour, try to find a guide that focuses on the history, politics, and socioeconomic context of the settlement.

  • Wear comfortable walking shoes to navigate the steep streets and bring water on hot days.

  • Cramped spaces and uneven surfaces mean Imizamo Yethu is not a destination for travelers with disabilities or those using strollers.

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How to get there

Imizamo Yethu sits above Hout Bay, just south of Table Mountain in Cape Town, about a 12-mile (20-kilometer) drive from the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. The easiest way to get there is by hop-on hop-off bus, and these bus tickets include a free tour of the settlement. Alternatively, from Cape Town Station you can catch the #118 or #109 buses at the Adderley bus stop, and get off at Imizamo Yethu.

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When to get there

Imizamo Yethu is a settlement and has no formal opening hours. You should visit on a tour, most of which generally operate during the day. Typically, fall (from March to May) is a good time to visit Cape Town, since the weather is still warm and there are lots of things to do. The city also is less crowded than during the summer high season.

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Township tourism in Cape Town

Cape Town is home to both informal settlements and townships, formerly racially segregated areas with legal residential status. Townships in the city include Khayelitsha, Guguletu, Langa, and Nyanga. Tours often let you participate in experiences like joining a local church service on Sunday or having a drink in a typical shebeen pub.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Imizamo Yethu Township ?