Seokguram Grotto
Seokguram Grotto

Seokguram Grotto

873-243 Bulguk-ro, Jinhyeon-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

The basics

You can visit the Seokguram Grotto independently, but if you have limited time in Gyeongju, you may want to consider a private or group excursion to the temple and its surrounding attractions; these include Bulguksa Temple, Cheonmachong Tomb, and Cheomseongdae Observatory. Most organized tours include round-trip transportation from the city center to ease the hassle of arranging transportation between each location.

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Things to know before you go

  • The temple is located on the top of a mountain and requires a steep uphill walk to reach, so it’s important to wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for the hike.

  • Visitors are required to wear socks and remove their shoes before entering the temple.

  • There are no food or drink vendors on-site, so pack snacks and water accordingly.

  • Visitors are reminded to dress modestly and avoid wearing revealing clothing as a sign of respect for the temple's culture and traditions.

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How to get there

Seokguram Grotto is located on Toham Mountain, approximately 9.3 miles (15 kilometers) northeast of Gyeongju’s city center. Visitors can reach the temple by taking a taxi, public bus, or by joining a guided tour. Buses regularly depart from the Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal. The hike from the site’s entrance to the grotto takes around 30 minutes and involves a steep uphill climb. Alternatively, visitors can take a scenic 2-mile (3-kilometer) hiking path directly from the nearby Bulguksa Temple.

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When to get there

The Seokguram Grotto is open daily from early morning to early evening. To preserve the temple, only a limited number of visitors are allowed to enter at a time. It is recommended to arrive early in the day to avoid crowds and secure a spot. The temple is particularly beautiful during the spring and fall when the cherry blossoms and foliage are in full bloom.

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Explore the ‘Museum Without Walls’

Discover more of Gyeongju’s historical and natural wonders on Namsan Mountain. Popular with locals and foreigners alike, it offers various hiking trails with different difficulty levels. Depending on their chosen route, hikers can see several Silla historical sites and artifacts located along the trails. You can explore the mountain independently or with a guide for a more enriching sightseeing experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Seokguram Grotto?
Attractions near Seokguram Grotto: