Calle Las Damas
Calle Las Damas

Calle Las Damas

Santo Domingo, 10210

The basics

Strolling along the charming Calle Las Damas—like the high society ladies of yesteryear—is the best way to explore this area. Plus, there typically isn’t much traffic. Travelers can venture back in time as they wander past Fortaleza Ozama (Fortress of Santo Domingo), Panteón Nacional (which houses the remains of many of the country’s important historical figures), and Calle El Conde, which is lined with stores, restaurants, hotels, homes, and businesses. Guided day trips from Punta Cana to Santo Domingo include visiting Calle Las Damas.

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Things to know before you go

  • Santo Domingo’s historical sundial, El Reloj de Sol, is located by Calle Las Damas; it sits atop a large stone pillar so that the face of the dial can be seen from the surrounding government offices.

  • Santo Domingo was central to sugar production and the slave trade between the Caribbean, Central America, North America, Europe, and Africa.

  • Santo Dominigo’s Colonial Zone comprises about 11 blocks of sights.

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How to get there

The center of Santo Domingo is a little over two hours away from Punta Cana by car. Day trips from there usually include roundtrip transport. Calle las Damas runs north and south, from the Museo de las Casas Reales (Museum of the Royal Houses) and the Plaza Reloj de Sol to the Malecon along the coast.

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When to get there

The best time to visit Santo Domingo is between November and March. That’s when you’ll experience the most pleasant weather. Avoid hurricane season, which runs from August to October. Most travelers choose to stay along the shore in Punta Cana or Puerto Plata when visiting the Dominican Republic, so you probably won’t encounter large crowds in Santo Domingo, even during high season.

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Ozama Fort (Fortaleza Ozama)

The first stronghold in the Americas, the 16th-century Fortaleza Ozama, is located in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here, you can learn how this building once guarded the capital city’s port. Climb to the top of Torre del Homenaje (Tower of Homage), which stands in the center, to take in 360-degree views of the city and snap photos.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Calle Las Damas?