Victorio Macho Museum (Museo Victorio Macho)
Victorio Macho Museum (Museo Victorio Macho)

Victorio Macho Museum (Museo Victorio Macho)

Plaza de Victorio Macho 2, Toledo, 45002

The basics

The views from Macho’s Tarpeian Rock are worth the (small) price of admission alone, but the Victorio Macho Museum provides a unique encounter with an artist who’s often overshadowed by peers such as Dalí and Picasso. Elegant, minimalist display spaces, including the garden, showcase a selection of his finest pieces, letting his moving, realist style and way with materials shine. Macho’s Madre (mother) sculpture, a calm yet somber portrait of his mother in dark marble and light limestone, is a must-see.

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Things to know before you go

  • The Victorio Macho Museum is a must for photographers and art lovers.

  • There are relatively few works on display and little text. Some travelers will go through the museum in a few minutes; others will happily spend hours contemplating.

  • You can’t explore all of the artist’s home. Much of it now houses the Royal Foundation of Toledo’s offices.

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How to get there

The Victorio Macho Museum is set in Toledo’s historic center overlooking the Tagus River, about a 0.5-mile (750-meter) walk from Toledo Cathedral, and easy to reach on foot from elsewhere in the center. It’s about 1.5 miles (2.5 kilometers) from the train station, but you can take the L12 bus to Plaza Barrio Nuevo, a stone’s throw from the museum.

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When to get there

Like many Spanish museums, the Victorio Macho Museum closes on Mondays. It’s open morning to early evening Thursday–Saturday, and morning to mid-afternoon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. It closes on May 31 and June 8, and sometimes for the entire month of August, so check before visiting in the summer.

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The Museo del Greco

A royal city with over 2,000 years of history, Toledo has inspired countless artists. Unlike Victorio Macho, the Renaissance master El Greco never actually lived in the house that now hosts his museum, but the Museo del Greco is still a wonderful spot to learn about his work, with one piece by the master and paintings by his son and followers too. It’s about a 2-minute walk from the Victorio Macho Museum.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Victorio Macho Museum (Museo Victorio Macho)?