Souk el Had
Souk el Had

Souk el Had

Kostnadsfritt inträde
Tis-sön 8-18
Rue 2 Mars, Agadir, 80090

The basics

Whether you’re chasing the perfect tagine pot or shisha pipe, shopping spices or argan oil, or dreaming of a custom-made djellaba robe, Agadir’s souk delivers. Prices are high by Moroccan standards, particularly for travelers who don’t speak Arabic, but generally feel like a bargain compared to America or Europe.

Souk el Had is a common stop on Agadir city tours but serious shoppers will want to hire a guide to explore in depth: Book online rather than putting your faith in the touts who hang around the souk.

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Things to know before you go

  • Bikinis are fine on the beach but both men and women should cover shoulders, upper arms, and legs above the knee when shopping the souk.
  • As elsewhere in North Africa, haggling is expected. Starting at 30–50 percent of the opening price gives you room to work your way up.
  • Most countries allow travelers to bring home dried, powdered spices but may object to spices containing seeds or leaves.
  • Souk el Had is manageable with a small, lightweight stroller.
  • Despite the modern building, cramped aisles and tightly packed stalls make Souk el Had a challenging destination for travelers who rely on wheelchairs.
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How to get there

Souk el Had is in downtown Agadir, about a 0.5-mile (800-meter) walk inland from the midpoint of Agadir Beach. From the port, bus 98 runs along Avenue Mohammed V: get off at the stop by the Royal Palace and walk for 5 minutes.

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When to get there

The market runs from morning until early evening Tuesday through Sunday, with Sunday the busiest day. It closes for cleaning on Mondays and many stalls shut for prayers from lunchtime on Friday.

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Must-See Sights in Agadir

Agadir is primarily a beach resort so the traditional sights you’ll find in cities such as Fez, Marrakech, and Essaouira are thin on the ground. Besides the Souk el Had, seek out Agadir Kasbah Ruins, a vast hilltop fortress, the sleek, contemporary Marina d’Agadir, and the elegant Mohamed V Mosque. Kids won’t want to miss the crocodiles at Crocoparc Agadir.

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