Devil's Saddle (Sella del Diavolo)
Devil's Saddle (Sella del Diavolo)

Devil's Saddle (Sella del Diavolo)

Viale Calamosca 50, Cagliari, Sardinia, 09126

The basics

The easiest way to see Devil’s Saddle is by visiting Poetto Beach or skirting the coastline by kayak, but there are also hiking trails along the promontory. Follow the route of an ancient Roman road to one of the scenic overlooks, taking in nearby sights such as the remains of a Roman cistern, an 11th-century monastery, and fortifications from World War II. There are also ruins of a Punic temple from the sixth century BC.

For a guided experience, join a day trip to the beach from Cagliari or a kayak excursion along the gulf to admire Devil’s Saddle from below, or a guided hike to explore the promontory’s peak.

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Things to know before you go

  • Poetto beach, directly beneath Devil’s Saddle, is ideal for families with young children. The beach has several clubs that rent loungers and beach umbrellas, and include access to changing rooms with showers, restrooms, and restaurants or snack bars.
  • Less active travelers can opt to take in Devil’s Saddle from the beach, while outdoor enthusiasts can paddle or hike to Devil’s Saddle. Bring water and snacks, as there are no restaurants on the promontory.
  • The sun can be unforgiving along Sardinia’s coastline, so wear a hat and sunscreen whether relaxing on the beach, kayaking, or hiking.
  • Poetto beach is partially accessible to wheelchair users; kayaking tours and the promontory’s hiking trails are not.
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How to get there

Devil’s Saddle is located on the St. Elia promontory on Cagliari’s Gulf of Angels. There are views of the rock formation from Poetto beach, or you can hike to the promontory along the trail from Calamosca beach. City buses run from central Cagliari to either beach, or opt to join a guided tour that includes transportation.

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When to get there

Whether taking in Devil’s Saddle from above or below, you want to avoid the midday sun and heat, so begin your excursion in the early morning or late afternoon. If you do visit during the hottest hours of the day, be sure to bring your bathing suit so you can cool off with a dip in the waters of the Gulf of Angels.

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The saddle’s diabolical name

Devil’s Saddle gets its name from a local legend that holds that the devil, taken with the beauty of the Cagliari’s gulf, attempted to seize it. Seeing this, God sent a legion of angels led by the Archangel Michael to banish him. In the battle fought in the heavens above the gulf, the devil was thrown from his horse and his saddle turned to stone—hence the naming of the Devil's Saddle and Gulf of Angels.

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