Kittery Premium Outlets
Kittery Premium Outlets

Kittery Premium Outlets

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375 US-1, Kittery, Maine, 03904

The basics

Shopping options at the Kittery Premium Outlets include men and women’s fashion, shoes, purses, and children’s wear. Some of these, such as the Ann Taylor Factory Store, Old Navy Outlet, and the Columbia Factory Store, offer discounted goods that include older merchandise no longer available at flagship stores. Other destinations are simply traditional shops that offer periodic sales. Shopping at the Kittery outlets is an included stop on some tours of Maine, particularly private tours that offer time flexibility. These generally offer round-trip transport, which can be a major plus when you’re weighed down with shopping bags.

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Things to know before you go

  • This is a great stop for groups. It’s easy to reach dozens of stores on foot, so you can cover lots of ground without moving your vehicle. *Bring your AAA, AARP, or Military ID to pick up a free coupon book upon arrival. *The outlets are wheelchair- and stroller-accessible; wheelchair rentals are available onsite.
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How to get there

The Kittery Premium Outlets are located at 375 Route 1 in Kittery, and ample parking is available onsite. From I-95 South, take Exit 2 to Kittery and continue on Route 236 South until you see signs for the outlet stores. From I-95 North, take Exit 3, which is marked Kittery/Coastal Route 1.

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When to get there

As at other shopping destinations, Black Friday (the Friday following Thanksgiving) is a major event here, with deep discounts that draw big crowds. In August, back-to-school sales are big, and there’s generally a two-week period in spring when teachers have access to special deals. At busy times of year, it’s worth coming first thing in the morning to beat the crowds.

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