Butlins Minehead
Butlins Minehead

Butlins Minehead

Warren Road, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 5SH

The basics

Visitors to Butlin’s Minehead can customize their stay, choosing a package that suits their budget and needs. Opt for a basic single-room accommodation or upgrade for a more spacious chalet. Dining packages can also be tailored. All guests have access to key resort facilities including the pool, fairground, workshops, and live entertainment shows, as well as activities such as fencing classes and movie screenings. Some activities, such as climbing, dance classes, and go-karting come at an extra cost. The resort also hosts several adults-only themed weekends throughout the year, which feature live music and tribute acts.

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Things to know before you go

  • Redcoats—the name given to red blazer-wearing frontline staff at Butlin’s resorts—are on hand to aid and entertain guests.
  • Bikes, strollers, high chairs, hairdryers, towels, and other essentials can be rented at the resort’s hire shop.
  • Limited free Wi-Fi is available at the resort, though guests can upgrade to a premium Wi-Fi package for faster streaming and higher data allowances.
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How to get there

Butlin’s Minehead is about a 45-minute drive from Bristol, and about a 1.5-hour drive from Bristol Airport. The nearest train station is in Taunton. The number 28 bus connects Taunton Station with Butlin’s Minehead.

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When to get there

The best-value deals are typically midweek and outside of school vacation times. Special seasonal entertainment, such as a winter grotto during the festive season and a monster-themed party at Halloween, make holidays a fun time to visit.

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Days Trips from Butlin’s Minehead

Though the resort itself is packed with attractions and entertainment, travelers staying for longer periods may want to take a day out to explore the surrounding countryside. Exmoor National Park stretches out inland beyond the resort, with its vast moors and alluring coastline offering countless opportunities for hiking, rock pooling, and outdoor fun.

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