Warszawas kungliga väg (Trakt Królewski)
Warszawas kungliga väg (Trakt Królewski)

Warszawas kungliga väg (Trakt Królewski)

28/30 Piwna, Warsaw, 00-265

The basics

Noteworthy sights line the Royal Route, including the Royal Castle, Krasiński Palace and Garden, the Presidential Palace, Pilsudski Square, Kazimierzowski Palace, Ujazdowski Castle, and Wilanów Palace. With so much to see, it’s worth taking your time to explore, whether you’re on a hop-on, hop-off bus tour, joining a walking tour, or riding a bike. Most tours of historic Warsaw include some portion of the stately road, while others focus exclusively on the Royal Route and its adjacent sites.

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Things to know before you go

  • The Royal Way is a must-see for history and architecture buffs.
  • The most densely packed sites are between Castle Square and Rondo de Gaulle, a stretch that can be covered in roughly 30 minutes of walking.
  • If you’re going without a guide, keep in mind that the route has multiple turns.
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How to get there

Located at Plac Zamkowy 4, the Royal Castle is the starting point for the Royal Route. Near public transit stops Stare Miasto 1 and Stare Miasto 2, it can be reached by tram (line 4, 13, 20, 23, 26, or T) or bus (160, 190, 527, N11, N21, N61, or N71). Hop-on, hop-off buses in Warsaw generally include stops at the Royal Castle and at other sites along the Royal Route.

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When to get there

Warm weather in June, July, and August makes the summer a popular time to visit Warsaw. Exploring the Royal Route at that time means plenty of open-air cafés and people-watching. During the December holiday season, a festive atmosphere takes over the historic center, which is decked with a twinkling display of holiday lights.

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Visiting royal residences in Warsaw

Generations of royals made their homes in the three residences that line the Royal Route in Warsaw. At the northern end, the Royal Castle has a gleaming ballroom, rich paintings, and the senate chamber where Poland’s first constitution was ratified. Set in the middle of Royal Baths Park, the neoclassical Palace on the Isle holds magnificent art within a maze of elegant rooms. Marking the southern end of the Royal Route, Wilanów Palace is the grandest of the three—it’s easy to see why the site is sometimes called the “Polish Versailles.”

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