
Whale Shark Tour från Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum och Riviera Maya

Märke för SpetskompetensCancún, Mexico
Whale Shark Tour from Cancun Playa del Carmen Tulum and Riviera Maya

Från 209,00 US$

Välj datum och resenärer

upp till 24 timmar innan upplevelsen börjar (lokal tid)

  • 8 timmar
  • Upphämtning erbjuds
  • Mobilbiljett
  • Erbjuds på: Engelska


Simma och snorkla tillsammans med valhajar på denna guidade tur i Cancun. En båt tar dig fram till en utmärkt utsiktsplats och på vägen kan du se delfiner, sköldpaddor och mantor. Erfarna guider finns där för att se till att du njuter av ett säkert och roligt dopp och snorkla. Njut av frukost på piren innan du ger dig av, samt snacks och obegränsade drycker när du är ombord. Hotelltransport ingår. Obs: Denna säsongsbetonade turné erbjuds från maj till mitten av september.
  • Whale Shark möter turné i Cancun
  • Simma och snorkla nära valhajar i Karibien
  • Håll ögonen på för annat marint liv inklusive sköldpaddor, delfiner och mantrålar
  • Köp videoklipp och bilder av ditt möte, om du vill
  • Hotelltransport, frukost och snacks ingår

Det här ingår

  • Round Transport med AC
  • Fika, smörgåsar, vatten och läsk
  • Fisk eller räka Ceviche med totopos & guacamole (var god råd med kostbegränsningar)
  • Snorkelutrustning och flytväst.
  • Naturreservatsavgiften på 15 USD per person betalas kontant vid hämtning
  • Dricks
  • Souvenirer (kan köpas)
  • HD-videor och bilder av din valhajskådningsupplevelse tillgängliga i digitalt paket.
  • Uthyrning av våtdräkt

Meeting and Pickup

Du kan gå direkt till mötesplatsen eller begära upphämtning


  • Flamingos
    Carr. Puerto Juarez Carretera a Punta Sam Km. 3.5, Juárez, 77520 Cancún, Q.R., Mexiko

    Om du bokar utan transport (tillval mötesplatsbrygga) möter vi dig på Flamingos Seafood Kitchen | Restaurang på Carr. Puerto Juarez Carretera till Punta Sam Km. 3.5, Juárez, 77520 Cancún, Q.R.


Välj en upphämtningsplats


Bekräfta tiden med den lokala leverantören innan din upplevelse.


Välj önskat aktivitetsalternativ för att visa timmar.
Visa rundtursalternativ


Aktiviteten avslutas tillbaka vid mötesplatsen.


Vi erbjuder hämtning från alla hotell, airbnb eller privata bostäder. Hämta Tulum mellan 04:00-05:00. Hämtning från Playa del Carmen och Riviera Maya 05:30-06:30 och hämtning från Cancun mellan 06:00-07:00. Hämtning från Isla Mujeres sker från bensinstationen Pemex i Isla Mujeres.

Det här kan du vänta dig

Ytterligare information

  • En bekräftelse skickas vid bokningstillfället
  • Inga hjärtproblem eller övriga allvarliga medicinska tillstånd
  • Rekommenderas ej för resenärer med ryggproblem
  • Rekommenderas ej för gravida resenärer
  • Vänligen meddela eventuella särskilda kostbehov vid bokningstillfället (Vegetarisk & Glutenfri Alternativ som finns tillgängliga på begäran)
  • Inte anpassat för rullstol
  • Säsongsturné som går från juni till mitten av september
  • De flesta resenärer kan delta
  • Längden på denna turné kan variera på grund av skäl utanför vår kontroll. I snitt varar båtaktiviteten 5 timmar, men det kan vara längre beroende på väderförhållanden, i vilket område vi hittar valhajarna och hur många möjligheter det finns att bada med dem. Transfertiden från ditt hotell till vår brygga beror på din plats och trafikförhållanden. Turen, inklusive transfer, kan ta mellan 7 och 12 timmar.
  • lägsta ålder från 3 år
  • Den här rundturen/aktiviteten har ett maximiantal på 10 resenärer


Du kan avboka upp till 24 timmar innan upplevelsen för en fullständig återbetalning.

  • Du måste avboka minst 24 timmar innan upplevelsens starttid för att få en fullständig återbetalning.
  • Det betalade beloppet återbetalas inte om du avbokar mindre än 24 timmar innan upplevelsens starttid.
  • Ändringar som görs senare än 24 timmar före upplevelsens starttid godtas inte.
  • Avbokningstiderna baseras på lokal tid där upplevelsen är.
  • Den här upplevelsen kräver bra väder. Om den är avbokad på grund av dåligt väder erbjuds du ett annat datum eller en fullständig återbetalning.

Vanliga frågor och svar

Svaren nedan är baserade på de svar som reseleverantören tidigare gett till kunders frågor.

Filtrera efter:

F:Hur lång är båtturen för att se Whale Sharks under Whale Shark All Inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:I genomsnitt kan du förvänta dig att njuta av en vacker och naturskön motorbåttur som tar cirka en timme att komma till området där valhajarna samlas.

mars 2021

F:Hur länge kommer vi att simma med Whale Sharks under Whale Shark All Inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:När vi väl hittat valhajen kan vi göra ett eller två hopp för att simma med dem, kom ihåg att de är väldigt stora varelser och simmar väldigt fort så upplevelsen i vattnet med dem kan variera mellan 10 minuter och en timme mellan hoppen.

mars 2024

F:Är valhajar farliga?

S:Nej, de är inte farliga. Valhajar samlas i vattnen runt Isla Mujeres och Holbox för att livnära sig på mikroskopiska organismer. Deras genomsnittliga simhastighet är bara 3 mph. Du kommer att ha möjlighet att snorkla med dem bara några meter bort!

mars 2021

F:Har valhajar tänder?

S:Valhajar har tänder men de är otroligt små och används för filtermatning. De är verkligen milda jättar.

mars 2021

F:Är simning med valhajar lämpligt för barn?

S:Att simma med valhajar är roligt för hela familjen! Vår Whale Shark Discovery Tour är barnvänlig och äldrevänlig. Alla är välkomna att vara med!

mars 2021

F:Finns det ett vegetariskt alternativ tillgängligt under Whale Shark All-inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:Ja, vegetariska alternativ finns tillgängliga, men de måste beställas i förväg. Meddela oss gärna om eventuella kostrestriktioner i rutan "Specialkrav" i kassan.

mars 2021

F:Vad ska jag ta med mig på Whale Shark All Inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:Vi rekommenderar att ta med en handduk, hatt, solglasögon, solskyddsmedel, bär lätta, ljusa, bekväma kläder och pengar för souvenirer, foton och den obligatoriska naturreservatsavgiften ($15 USD per person).

mars 2024

F:Ska jag ta med min kamera på Whale Shark All Inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:Du är välkommen att ta med din egen vattentäta kamera, en professionell fotograf kommer att göra sitt bästa för att göra din dag med Ocean Excursions så minnesvärd som möjligt. De bär högkvalitativa (undervattens)kameror och tar högupplösta bilder av både deltagare och deras omgivning. Du kan se bilderna efter din utflykt och bestämma om du vill köpa dem.

mars 2024

F:Vad ska jag ha på mig på Whale Shark All-inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:Bär bekväma kläder och skor. Vi rekommenderar att du bär din baddräkt under dina vanliga kläder och tar med sandaler eller vattenskor och en extra uppsättning torra kläder.

mars 2021

F:Måste jag ta med mig snorklingsutrustning på Whale Shark All Inclusive Tour i Cancun och Riviera Maya?

S:Du kan om du vill, men vi tillhandahåller all snorkelutrustning inklusive mask, snorkel, fenor och flytväst. Har du en våtdräkt får du gärna ta med den. Om du inte har en kan vi tillhandahålla dem att hyras för $15 USD.

mars 2021


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630 omdömen
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Visar 1–10 av 630 omdömen
Slå förväntningarna
Ben_C, sep. 2023
Otrolig upplevelse simmade med valhajar och mantor, lyckades se sköldpaddor och delfiner och till och med några hajar, Alana vår guide, kaptenen och sjömannen gjorde alla vår upplevelse fantastisk
Svar från värd, sep. 2023
Dear Ben, thanks for your review, it's so amazing you had such an opportunity of seeing so many variety of species and even the baby sharks, that must be incredible! We are happy your adventure was so complete and our team did a good job. Thanks for recommending us! Kindly, Paula - Ocean Tours Team
Fantastisk upplevelse!
nishana_i, juni 2023
Detta var en mest minnesvärd, bucket list-upplevelse! Det är ganska hackigt i dessa vatten så definitivt ha ingefärsteet och/eller dramaminen, för säkerhets skull. Eftersom detta är som en safari, vet du aldrig om du skulle få några iakttagelser. Men för oss var det definitivt värt besväret. Vi hade tur och hittade få valhajar. Jag kände att kaptenen var riktigt bra på att se till att vi hoppar framför valhajarna så att vi kan få den bästa utsikten och simma tillsammans med dem, till skillnad från några av de andra turerna. Pepe och Laurie såg till att vi hade den bästa tiden i vattnet och fick några fantastiska videor som var värda att betala för! Pepe överlag var en bra guide och tog fantastisk hand om oss. Denna turné var definitivt en dröm som gick i uppfyllelse. Om du är äventyrlig och tålmodig, rekommenderas starkt!
Svar från värd, juni 2023
Dear Nishan, thank you very much for your comment. It's great to know this was a dream come true for you, and that you enjoyed your time in water with our team Pepe and Laurie :) Kind regards, Paula Ocean Tours
Ge_G, juni 2022
Boka inte om du inte vill bryta ryggen. Båten är liten och snabb och tar ca 10 - 15 passagerare. Resan för att hitta valhajen är RENT LIDD. båten är EXTREMT BUIG, och det är extremt svårt att sitta stilla på båten. Vår guide var ganska artig, passionerad och kunnig, han förklarade för oss olika situationer, så vi förstår att det finns en chans att vi inte kommer att se någon valhaj. Även om vi är besvikna, skulle vi inte skylla på någon för detta eftersom det handlar om tur. Båten är problemet. Jag chattade med andra passagerare och vi är alla överens om att den här båten är så obekväm att det bara får oss att vilja åka hem. Jag hörde tydligt att någon sa "vi betalade inte 150 $ för att lida så här". Nu är det fyra timmar efter att jag kom tillbaka från resan, och min rygg gör fortfarande ont och gör det svårt för mig att sänka ryggen eller till och med gå en lite längre sträcka, noterade att jag inte hade några ryggskador eller problem innan . Ompröva din rygg och nacke innan du bokar.
Svar från värd, juni 2022
Dear Ge, We are sorry to see that this experience was apparently a tough one for you, and we hope that you could recover from your back pain quickly. We also appreciate you sharing your comments and understanding about the fact that this is nature; we do not have much control on this indeed. This tour is specifically unique and highly coveted by people who have had great experiences with the whale sharks, by seeing many of them, and this is the reason why it has become so popular with the years. Now this is in open sea, we spend an average of 4-5h outside on small boats indeed, sometimes more time even to guarantee you will see them, (the capacity of the boats is regulated byt the marine park, and it can’t actually exceed 10 participants + crew by law, no bigger boats are allowed there), and yes it can get very bumpy out there, and the weather we had in June so far surely did not contribute to create great memories for some of the participants. This activity is not for everyone, and not recommended for people with back problems history, or strong motion sickness. it is not an easy ride to see them , sure, but when you get rewarded with seeing many of them, this would prevail on all the rest and make one forget about the rough side of it of course. Also some would just love being on boats while others may appreciate it less. In your case Ge, I understand that you didn't get to see any that day, so obviously this added to the fact that the weather was not optimistic these days, I can totally understand how the high expectations on such a trip could get down after such an experience. This is surely not what all of our guests woudl experience, and we appreciate seeing that your guide apparently briefed you well on this. We are really sorry to see your experience was resumed into a long and bumpy back breaker ride. This beginning of season has been a little atypical, hectic I must say because of strong winds, and even though the season would normally start in the beginning of June, the best months for this activity have always been July & August. Ge, you are more than welcome to contact me if you would like to discuss further on this, I will be at your entire disposal: Kind regards, Geradine Ocean tours
Bucket List Adventure!
dana_w, sep. 2023
We had a great tour guide and boat captain! We found whale sharks quickly and we’re able to get two dives with them! We were so excited to be able to see them so up close! Unforgettable adventure!
Svar från värd, sep. 2023
hello Dana thank you for your review, we are so glad to hear that you enjoyed your excursion and that you got to spend as much time with the whalesharks in their natural habitat as possible. see you on your next visit to the Riviera Maya! Mariana - Ocean Tours
Amazing Whale Shark Experience!
Gabriela_P, aug. 2023
The whale shark tour with Ocean Tours was amazing. Our guide Lucie was wonderful. She spoke French, Spanish and English! She was super energetic and made sure we had a great time the entire trip. We were picked up on time (the pickup actually arrived a few minutes early) and Lucie explained the day’s activities in detail on the way to Flamingo, the meeting point. At the Flamingo dock we were greeted with a light fruit and pastry breakfast. Then we headed out to find the shark whales. We got to do two jumps in groups of two’s, which is what we were hoping for. We did one jump with Jose and the second jump with Diego, both guides were amazing at making sure we saw and kept up with the whale shark as long as possible. After swimming with the whale sharks we went to do some snorkeling and afterward the captain took us to another area where we got to hang out in the water while eating some delicious ceviche and guacamole. Oh, and Lucie had sandwich snacks for in between activities! The entire team was awesome and made this experience unforgettable. Not to mention they did a much better job at filming us with the whale sharks than we did for ourselves. Tip: do the first jump without trying to record it to immerse yourself fully in the experience and that way you know what to expect on the second jump. I will recommend Ocean Tours to anyone looking for a unique, fun experience in Cancun. Thanks to Lucie, Diego, Jose and our trusted Captain!
Svar från värd, sep. 2023
hello! Thank you for your review and for recognizing how hard the team of guides work and prepare for their tours behind the scene, as well as all our boat crews, who always keep our guests, and the whalesharks safe! looking forward to hosting you again! Mariana - Ocean Tours
Bummed and happy at the same time
Shelley_R, aug. 2023
I'll start by saying the tour guide Pepe, boat captain and other guide were amazing and did everything they could to find whale sharks. It was a rough, long ride so taking meds is a must! We had a windy day and the waves were a tad crazy. The captain however knew what he was doing and navigated the waves like a champ. A few ppl got sick but I had a mini pharmacy with me so that helped everyone. After a few hours we found 1 whale shark. We just got to see the fin and 2 if our people got to swim with it. Within 5 minutes there were about 20-30 boats surrounding it. My excitement turned into guilt! This poor whale shark!! It disappeared and I don't blame it. We searched for another hour or so and the boat vibe was low. I asked PePe if we could just stop and jump in the water for a break and he said great idea. Everyone loved it so we just floated and swam a bit. Near the end of the day dolphins appeared and swimwear our boat so we jumped in and got to swimwith dolphins for a few minutes!! That kind of made up for no whale sharks! We snorkeled near by for about an hour then went back. Overall it was good because if the guides, food, drinks and positive attitudes but the whake shark part did suck!
Amazing tour!
Victor_V, aug. 2023
Tour was amazing. Our guide, Juan was excellent. Even helped my daughter and I swim next to the whale shark for a longer periods of time (daughter is 9). The captain and other helper were good too, but Juan made this tour amazing as helped all slow swimmers keep up with the whale shark. I know he got a good workout that day.
Svar från värd, aug. 2023
Hello , Thanks for choosing us and your comments as well . We are glad to know that you had an amzaing tour with Juan and the captain . We wish to see you again . Best regards Laura Ocean Tours
Very Fun if You Are Experienced
Linda_B, aug. 2023
This was a very informative and fun excursion if you are an experienced snorkeler. I would not recommend for beginners or young children due to having to jump in the water off of the side of the boat and having to swim fast to keep up with the whale sharks’ movements. Such a fun day filled with lots of views of marine life.
Svar från värd, aug. 2023
hello Linda thank you for your review, we will take into consideration your comments to make the experience safe and enjoyable to all. hopefully we can host you again on your next trip to the Riviera Maya. Mariana - Ocean Tours
Once in a lifetime
Lee_D, aug. 2023
Beautiful experience, but price / quality overrated, especially considering that you have to pay another 15 USD pp entrance fee and the “voluntary” tip for the crew and guide. (According guide their income depends on tip, while the average income in Mexico is 10 USD and we paid 200 USD pp) Also the modest lunch was really modest and even the setting was originally poor: standing at the see with a tray in my hand…. But anyway great experience for the 4 minutes with the whales!
Svar från värd, aug. 2023
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize if you found the price-to-quality ratio overrated. We take customer feedback seriously, and we'll take this into consideration for future improvements. It's important to us that our customers feel they receive fair value for the price paid. Regarding the additional costs such as the entrance fee and the "voluntary" tip for the crew and guide, we understand that this can add up and impact the overall perception of the tour's value. We will review our pricing structure to ensure transparency and avoid any unexpected costs in the future. As for the modest lunch and the setting, we regret any inconvenience caused. We strive to provide enjoyable experiences, including meal arrangements, and we'll reevaluate the lunch options to better meet our customers' expectations. It's good to hear that you appreciated the whales' encounter, and we hope those magical moments will remain in your memory. We genuinely appreciate your feedback as it helps us in our ongoing efforts to improve our services and ensure that each customer has a memorable and satisfying experience. If you decide to join us again in the future, we will work hard to provide you with an even better and more enjoyable adventure. Thank you for choosing us as your adventure partner Kind regards. Diana Ocean Tours Mexico.
Amazing experience
Trent_R, aug. 2023
Swimming with the sharks was great! Our guide was very nice and did an awesome job. The captain of the boat was very experienced and did a great job
Svar från värd, aug. 2023
hello Trent happy to hear that you were able to enjoy the company of the whalesharks, thank you for acknowledging the hard work of the boat captain to provide you with the best excursion possible. see you soon ! Mariana - Ocean Tours
We had Rochelle as our...
Rebecca_C, juli 2023
We had Rochelle as our guide and this was the most incredible experience, she was really knowledgeable and the whole day was amazing. Highly reccomend
Svar från värd, aug. 2023
Dear Rebecca, thanks for your comment! It's great you enjoyed the company of Rachelle, our tour guide, and you had such an amazing day. Thanks for recommending us! Kind regards, Paula - Ocean Tours Team
Awesome time!
PETER_C, juli 2023
Great time. The crew was professional and experienced. Our guide Xena was knowledgeable, professional and fun! WOUL DO AGAIN AND AGAIN. AWESOME.
Svar från värd, juli 2023
hello Peter! we are delighted to hear you had an amazing time and YES! we hope to host you again and again! cheers! Mariana Ocean Tours
Disappointed in no whale sharks but customer service was good.
Kristen_W, juli 2023
We saw zero whale sharks despite looking for 4 hours. Our captain and guide definitely were trying to find them but it just wasn't our day. We understand that there are no guarantees on excursions like this but we were still very disappointed. The company did immediately reach out and offered us vouchers for a future trip. We instead requested a partial refund, which they did grant us. We still feel like we paid for a very expensive four hour boat ride. Note - Our guide said that it was extremely rare to not see any but after talking to other people who been living in the area, it does seem to be more and more common that none are spotted. Definitely something to consider before booking.
Svar från värd, juli 2023
Dear Kristen, We apologize for the disappointment and inconvenience you experienced during your whale shark excursion. Despite the efforts made by your captain and guide, sometimes nature can be unpredictable, and wildlife sightings are not guaranteed. We understand your frustration, and we thank you for your understanding in this matter. We appreciate your feedback and take it seriously. It is indeed essential for us to consider such occurrences and manage expectations for future bookings. We strive to provide our customers with the best experiences possible, and we will take your insights into account to improve our services. We are glad to hear that our company promptly reached out to offer you vouchers for a future trip as a gesture of goodwill. We understand that you expected more from your tour and that you invested both time and money. Rest assured that we value our customers, and we will continue to make efforts to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our excursions. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to make it up to you in the future with a better and more satisfying experience. Should you decide to book with us again, we will do our utmost to provide you with a memorable and rewarding adventure. Kind regards, Diana Ocean Tours Team.
Wonderful trip
Brittany_M, juli 2023
Wonderful time! Swam with whale sharks, snorkeled at the reef, then got to relax in beautiful water with beer and a delicious ceviche & avocado lunch!
Amazing tour, friendly...
Shelly_M, juli 2023
Amazing tour, friendly staff and awesome experience. I would recommend this tour to anyone who wants to swim with whale sharks.
This was ABSOLUTELY...
Jacqueline_M, juli 2023
This was ABSOLUTELY amazing ! Our tour guide T was amazing, the whale sharks were beautiful, and the whole experience was great. Swimming with the whale sharks was a once in a lifetime experience. Besides seeing the whale sharks, we saw sea turtles, flying fish, a sting ray and dolphins on our way back! We tried to swim with them ! Definitely take Dramamine or anything to help with seasickness. It is a longer boat ride to the location. Overall, book this tour !
Sharks, Rays, and Ceviche!
Stephanie_A, juli 2023
Simply amazing. Our tour guide Rachelle was amazing. Our Captain Sisi also let us swim with manta rays after our whale shark jumps. It was all spectacular and we will be back!
Svar från värd, juli 2023
Hi , Thanks for your preference and your words . We are glad to know that you had an amazing experience with Rachelle and the rest of the Team as well , Best regards Laura Ocean Tours
WELL WHALEshark DONE!!!! 5 STARS!!!! A must... lifechanging....
Brent_P, juli 2023
The whole excursion was 5 stars, from the breakfast prior, to the ride out and patience in finding a WILD whale shark to snorkel with as these aren't in a aquarium, to unexpectedly also snorkel with a school of dolphins, to the snacks on boat, to the ride to beach area and lunch, and then finishing it off with snorkeling reef briefly. What big shoes to fill but they did it with ease. Diego was the best.... highly recommend as it's worth every penny.
Svar från värd, juli 2023
Dear Brent, thank you so much for your comment! It's amazing to know you are so satisfied with the experience and everything fulfill your expectations, it means a lot to us. thanks for choosing us and hope to see you for next year's whale shark season! Kindly, Paula - Ocean Tours Team
Amazing trip! Diego was great!
Nikki_L, juli 2023
Amazing trip! Our guide Diego was wonderful. You could tell how much experience our captain had in how well he maneuvered the boat so we could jump in at the right time. Such an awesome experience!
Sofia & the tour was the BEST!
Angela_P, juli 2023
Our guide, Sofia, was BEYOND wonderful! I would do this trip over and over again!!! Everything was perfect!
Svar från värd, juli 2023
Dear Angela, thanks for reaching us, we are happy to know you enjoyed this adventure and that you want to come back, we will be more than pleased to have you again with us! Kind regards, Paula - Ocean Tours Team

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