I couldn't find this person in our records. We always tend to receive some harsh reviews right before October, to try and hurt the local business, which is interesting because we've been consistently getting 5-star reviews on places like Google during similar time ranges. People often target viator because our major out-of-town competitors are leveraging viator and its affiliates heavily right now.
To anyone else reading this, if you have a less than 4-star experience, please reach out to me directly with constructive feedback, and we will likely offer you a full refund for up to 4 people. We stand behind our tours. - Brian
Our tour is a combination of ghost stories, folklore, and history. These are real stories of haunted locations, so history is definitely involved. If this person is genuine, they might have been expecting clowns and monsters chasing them around, which is not what we do. We only deal in the real.
I take these kind of (potential) shadow reviews very seriously because we work hard to be the best (takes over 3 months on average just to train a host and we pay a lot to get access to the best locations). If you are real feel free to reach out to me directly and take advantage of our refund policy.