Bok Tower Gardens
Bok Tower Gardens

Bok Tower Gardens

1151 Tower Blvd., Lake Wales, Florida, 33853

The basics

Your admission to Bok Tower Gardens includes access to everything on-site except the El Retiro mansion. But even if you don’t visit the Mediterranean-style mansion, you’ll still spend hours exploring the Olmstead Gardens and nature trails. The Singing Tower is the main attraction, though the chef demonstrations at the Outdoor Kitchen are gaining popularity. Hammock Hollow is a safe space for little ones, though adults should know that nonvenomous Eastern Indigo Snakes are present in the gardens.

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Things to know before you go

  • The Singing Tower carillon bells chime in full at 1pm and 3pm daily.

  • Unfortunately, you cannot go inside the Singing Tower.

  • You can bring your own food to enjoy in the designated picnic areas.

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How to get there

Bok Tower Gardens is located at 1151 Tower Blvd. in Lake Wales, Florida, 56 miles (90 km) from Orlando. No public transportation serves Bok Tower Gardens, so you will need a private vehicle or take a taxi/rideshare from your hotel. Public parking is available on site, including an electric vehicle charging station.

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Trip ideas

When to get there

Bok Tower Gardens may be a literal walk in the park, but its size and Central Florida’s climate must be considered during your visit. The Gardens encourage you to plan at least 3 to 4 hours of exploration. Since so much of the property is uncovered in the open air, it’s best to arrive during the opening hours when the temperature is coolest or before closing when the sun has passed its peak.

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From serene to spooky in Lake Wales

Bok Tower Gardens is one of the top attractions in Lake Wales, but it’s not the only one. 2 miles west of the entrance is Spook Hill, a popular attraction that requires a vehicle. The hill is an optical illusion: when you put your car in neutral, it will roll “up” the hill, thanks to the landscape's appearance.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Bok Tower Gardens ?
What else should I know about attractions in Florida?