Punta Ruсia
Punta Ruсia

Punta Ruсia

Punta Rusia, 22000

The basics

When in Punta Rucia, visit one of the area’s restaurants and try the seafood, a specialty of this fishing village. Your beachfront lunch comes with views of the fishing boats dotting the waterfront. The tranquil village is also the jumping-off point for visiting the nearby island of Cayo Paraiso, or Paradise Island. It's a deserted island and natural sandbar near Punta Rucia that's perfect for snorkeling thanks to its crystal-clear lagoon and coral reef.

Monte Cristi National Park (Parque Nacional Monte Cristi) is near Punta Rucia. One of the driest regions of the Dominican Republic, it has mangroves and swamps, which attract birds such as herons, brown pelicans, and flamingos. Tours to Cayo Paraiso and Monte Cristi also pass El Morro, a 777-foot (237-meter) limestone mesa jutting up from the water. Several nearby islands known as Los Cayos Siete Hermanos (The Seven Brothers Cays) are home to 10 reptile species.

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Things to know before you go

  • Even though this area is the main jumping-off point for Cayo Paraiso, the beach at Punta Rucia itself is not usually crowded.

  • Head out in the morning to beat the crowds that visit Cayo Paraiso.

  • Bring insect repellent to help fight off sand fleas and mosquitos in Punta Rucia.

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How to get there

Located on the northern coast of Dominican Republic, Punta Rucia is far from Punta Cana and the island nation’s capital of Santo Domingo; it’s about a 4-hour drive from Santo Domingo and 6 hours from Punta Cana. You can rent a car (but be careful of bumpy roads and aggressive drivers) or book a tour that includes roundtrip transportation. Cayo Paraiso is about a 25-minute boat ride from Punta Rucia.

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When to get there

Peak season in the Dominican Republic runs from December through April, which is considered the dry season. Expect large crowds, especially around Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, and spring break. Wet season runs from June to November and is quieter in terms of tourists. The peak months for hurricanes are September and October.

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Fun on Cayo Paraiso

Often called Paradise Island, Cayo Paraiso is an uninhabited island off the coast of Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. To visit, you’ll likely depart from Punta Rucia on guided boat tours to reach Cayo Paraiso. It’s a popular stop for snorkeling and catamaran tours due to its turquoise waters and abundant coral reef.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Punta Ruсia?