

Caguas, Puerto Rico

The basics

Most travelers begin their journey to Caguas by taking the half-hour drive from San Juan though the Central Mountain Range, which would be included on a tour. Consider a half-day guided tour that covers a lot of ground, both in terms of experiencing the captivating natural beauty and learning about the diverse culture of the historic city. From Palmer Plaza, follow the signs along the Route of the Creole Heart, a self-walking tour that includes 12 stops in the city center such as the City Hall, Sweet Name of Jesus Cathedral, and the Herminio Torres Grillo Tobacco Museum where you may craft your own cigar. Finish the day with an excursion to the Botanical and Cultural Garden where a restored sugar mill is a vestige from Puerto Rico’s colonial past.

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Things to know before you go

  • Caguas is an ideal spot for heritage and nature lovers.
  • Prepare to walk as there are limited public transportation options in town.
  • Major attractions are wheelchair accessible.
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How to get there

Caguas is located in the Central Mountain Range on the eastern end of Puerto Rico, about a 25-minute drive from San Juan. Head south on Highway 52, continue heading south till you reach the city. Parking spaces can be found near main attractions. Irregular public buses are available from San Juan/San Juan Airport to Caguas.

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When to get there

Make your way to Caguas from San Juan early in the morning to maximize daylight and to avoid the afternoon heat. Caguas’ peak season runs from December to April, which is also a dry season; the rainy season runs from May to November with a highest chance of a hurricane in September.

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Caguas Botanical and Cultural Gardens

Along the main road, about a 6-minute drive from downtown Caguas lies a 60-acre (24-hectare) park of landscaped tropical gardens and the ruins of 19th century sugar cane plantation. Waterfalls, scenic walking paths, and of course lush and colorful plants and flowers is an educational theme park that excludes different cultural themes such as the history of the sugar industry, the cultural and ecological importance of trees and other plants, and folkloric medicine.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Caguas?
What else should I know about attractions in San Juan?
As well as visiting the Caguas, check out these trip ideas to make the most of your visit: