Barrio de Abasto
Barrio de Abasto

Barrio de Abasto

Barrio de Abasto, Buenos Aires, C1192

The basics

Barrio de Abasto can be explored independently. However, curious travelers may consider a guided tour that provides an authentic glimpse into the neighborhood’s tango legacy. If you find yourself swaying to the beat, take a beginner tango class at one of the many schools in Barrio de Abasto. Or, if you prefer to appreciate dance from a seated position, attend a live tango performance at one of the neighborhood’s renowned venues. These energetic events often include dinner and hotel transfers.

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Things to know before you go

  • Be prepared for spontaneous street performances.

  • As one of Buenos Aires’ most popular neighborhoods, Barrio de Abasto can get crowded. Be sure to keep a close eye on your personal belongings.

  • Wear comfortable shoes for dancing and exploring the bustling neighborhood.

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How to get there

Thanks to Buenos Aires’ comprehensive public transit system, visitors can reach Barrio de Abasto with ease. In addition to a myriad of public buses, you also can take subway Line B to Carlos Gardel metro station or the Once de Septiembre train station. It’s a short walk from either location to the neighborhood’s heart. For a hassle-free experience, join a guided tour with transportation.

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Trip ideas

When to get there

Barrio de Abasto comes alive after sunset, with music filling the air and dance filling the streets. This is the best time for visitors to see live outdoor tango and milongas performances. Consider visiting during the spring (September to December) and fall (March to May) for pleasant weather and a lively atmosphere.

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Dance your way to the Abasto Shopping Center

Barrio de Abasto isn’t just about the tango. Shoppers head to the Abasto Shopping Center, one of the city’s largest malls and a destination for everything from designer shoes to unique accessories. Explore on your own, or take a private shopping tour. These bespoke excursions enable you to immerse yourself in local fashion trends, find souvenirs, and enjoy exclusive discounts—all while exploring the vibrant pulse of Buenos Aires’ shopping scene.

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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to Barrio de Abasto ?
Attractions near Barrio de Abasto :
What else should I know about attractions in Buenos Aires?
As well as visiting the Barrio de Abasto , check out these trip ideas to make the most of your visit: