Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM)
Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM)

Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM)

Öppet tis-sön 10-18 och tors 10-10
1103 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida, 33132

The basics

Featuring art created in the 20th and 21st centuries from around the world, the Perez Art Museum Miami is one of the city’s top destinations for visual art. The architecturally striking building with its waterfront restaurant is reason alone to visit, while art lovers will find much to admire in the sculpture garden and in the paintings and photographs on display. PAMM is often included in art-focused tours of Miami.

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Things to know before you go

  • The Perez Art Museum Miami is a must-see attraction for art lovers, families seeking educational experiences, and people looking for indoor activities in Miami.
  • Check the museum website for special themed tours, such as “Baby and Me” tours.
  • Bike racks are available at PAMM for those who want to arrive by bicycle (there is also a Citi Bike station at Museum Park).
  • All galleries and facilities are wheelchair and stroller accessible.
  • Free luggage storage is available.
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How to get there

Located at 1103 Biscayne Boulevard, the Perez Art Museum is at the far east side of Museum Park, set between the Frost Museum of Science and Biscayne Bay. Paid self-parking is available on-site. On public transportation, take the Miami-Dade Metromover to Museum Park station.

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When to get there

The Perez Art Museum is open Thursday to Tuesday, and closes on Wednesday. There are extended evening hours on Thursdays. Admission is free on the second Saturday of every month. To avoid the crowds, visit the museum on a weekday during the morning hours. Weekends can be busy with children visiting and educational programs.

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Studio Programs and PAMM Talks

Beyond exhibitions, this museum offers several for engaging with art in different ways. Visitors that are interested in the creation of art may want to check out the museum’s studio programs that include hands-on artist-led workshops. The museum also hosts a series of art-related talks.

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