Fronton vinregion
Fronton vinregion

Fronton vinregion

Fronton är inte bara ännu en fransk vinregion; långt ifrån att vara vanligt anses det vara en av de äldsta vinproduktionerna i landet, som startade under det romerska riket. Det täcker nu över 20 kommuner och 5090 hektar (2060 hektar) torr, sandjord som motverkas av soligt väder och hög höjd. Beläget i dalarna med utsikt över floden Tarn strax norr om Toulouse, fick Fronton-viner först internationellt erkännande på 1700-talet, när de tunga skatterna lyfts på viner som går genom Bordeaux för export till utländska marknader.

Fronton är en benämning (som en gång hette Côtes du Frontonnais fram till 2005) för röda och roséviner gjorda övervägande (minst 50 procent) av Negrette vinstockar, en sort som nästan är endemisk i området, efter att ha förstärkts av mavro-druvan över från Cypern på 1300-talet. Andra varianter som ingår i tillverkningen av Fronton är en trio av cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc och syrah, vilket ger vinerna distinkta aromer av bär samt kryddiga övertoner. Red Frontons når sin fullhet fyra till sju år efter produktion.

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Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania

The basics

Between the rivers Tarn and Garonne in Southwest France, the Fronton wine region is far from the largest and best-known in the country, covering just 5,931 acres (2,400 hectares). (By comparison, Bordeaux comprises more than 271,816 acres, or, 110,000 hectares.) What Fronton prides itself for, though, is quality. Yields here are low, and the winemakers steer away from mass production. The terraces create an undulating landscape and are relatively low altitude, sitting between 328 feet (100 meters) and 656 feet (200 meters) above sea level. Guided tours leave from nearby Toulouse.

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Things to know before you go

  • Wines have been grown in Fronton since Roman times, but they only gained international recognition when the taxes on wine exported through Bordeaux were lifted.

  • Fronton is an appellation for red and rosé wines, largely made from Négrette grapes, which are endemic to the area.

  • Stock up at the Fronton Wine and Tourist Centre (Maison des Vins et du Tourisme de Fronton). Over 150 varieties of wine are available here, both for tasting and purchase.

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How to get there

The Fronton wine region is best reached via Toulouse (which has an international airport). From there, it’s just 30 minutes by road. We presume you’re going to taste wine, so booking a tour from Toulouse is best. Many tours include transportation to multiple wine estates and the Maison des Vins, with expert tidbits on how the wine is made.

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When to get there

Visit for the annual Fronton Wine Festival in late August. If you stick around after the festival, you might see the vendange (wine harvest). The vineyards are a hive of activity as workers cut and sort the grapes ready for maceration. Many young people work the entire season, traveling from one vineyard to the next, and some even hemisphere-hop to keep the work rolling year-round.

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Sundays are for wine!

For several weeks during July and August, a different wine estate in the Fronton region opens its doors to the public every Sunday. Discover centuries-old châteaux and the intricacies of making the perfect wine, and enjoy tastings in the wine cellars and among the vines. Many wine estates organize workshops and guided walks, too. The full schedule is announced close to the time and is available on the Fronton Wine and Tourist Centre’s website.

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