Madrid Zoo Aquarium
Madrid Zoo Aquarium

Madrid Zoo Aquarium

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Casa de Campo, Madrid, 28011

The basics

Your entry fee gets you access to a wide world of fauna, including creatures of the land and sea. Thousands of creatures from across the globe call this place home, from gorillas of the African Continent to the wolves that roam Europe.

Purchase same-day entry or prebook online tickets, and since the zoo offers lots to do, you should plan to spend a few hours here. Science enthusiasts can go to one of the zoo talks, including discussions about native species like the Spanish Imperial Eagle. You can watch birds fly in the aviary, check out the giant pandas that are rare to see—even in a zoo setting—and marvel at sharks in the aquarium area.

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Things to know before you go

  • Children, seniors, and large families receive discounted admission.
  • Patrons with disabilities pay discounted rates; companion entry is free.
  • Amenities include lockers, medical services, and a picnic area.
  • For on-the-go information while you explore, you should download the zoo app.
  • If you're feeling peckish you can dine at the zoo's eateries, café kiosks, or the main restaurant near the zoo entrance.
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How to get there

Madrid Zoo Aquarium is located west of the city center in the expansive Casa de Campo park. The most convenient way to visit is by public transit. You should use the 33 bus—via the Principe Pio train station—or take the 5 or 10 metro lines to the Casa de Campo Station.

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When to get there

Plan to visit the Madrid Zoo Aquarium daily. Since off-season hours are significantly reduced, you should check the calendar to confirm opening hours. You can purchase tickets up to one hour before closing time, though it's best to leave more time to explore the zoo's numerous exhibits and animal enclosures.

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How to See the Madrid Teleférico

The Zaouia is open to Muslims 24 hours a day, every day. Non-Muslims wanting to take a peek through the door of this sacred space should avoid the period around Friday prayers, when the mosque is very busy.

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