New Orleans School of Cooking
New Orleans School of Cooking

New Orleans School of Cooking

Mån-lör 9-18, sön 9-16
524 Saint Louis St., French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130

The basics

The school offers two types of classes: demonstration classes and hands-on classes. The most popular options are the open demonstration classes where guests sit back and watch an expert chef prepare traditional Cajun or Creole dishes from start to finish, all while serving up tasty tidbits about the history and culture of New Orleans cuisine. During hands-on classes, participants actually chop, sauté, and stir at kitchen stations. With either option, guests get to sit down and savor a complete meal after the cooking is done.

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Things to know before you go

  • Take-home recipe cards are provided so you can impress friends and family with your newfound skills.
  • Authentic Cajun seasonings and cookbooks can be purchased at the school’s Louisiana General Store.
  • During demonstration classes, keep an eye on the large mirror above the cooking station for a top-down view of the action.
  • Meals are served with iced tea, lemonade, coffee (morning classes), and local Abita beer.
  • Participants in the hands-on classes must be 18 years of age or older.
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How to get there

The New Orleans School of Cooking is located in a historic molasses warehouse in the heart of the French Quarter. It is within easy walking distance of most French Quarter attractions.

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When to get there

Demonstration classes are offered in the mornings at 10am and 2pm and range from 2–2.5 hours long. Hands-on classes are 3 hours long and are held at 10am and 6pm (weekdays), 5pm (Saturdays), and 4pm (Sundays). Advance reservations are required.

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Famous New Orleans Restaurants

New Orleans cuisine is a long-held source of local pride, with authentic Creole and Cajun flavors that are unmatched anywhere else in the world. If a cooking class leaves you hungry for more, try legendary restaurants like K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen, Broussard’s, Criollo, Commander’s Palace, and Muriel’s Jackson Square. The Ruby Slipper Cafe is famous for its southern-style brunches, while Loretta’s Authentic Pralines is the go-to place to satisfy a sweet tooth.

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